May 2, 2014

The Advantage of Disadvantages

We know a Korean pastor’s family in Daejeon for about a year now.  We have also prayed with them when they were going through a real tough time in their ministry.  When the dust settled down and they were able to breathe a sigh of relief after the situation was under control, they presented a book to us as a sign of appreciation for standing with them in prayer.  The book was “David and Goliath”, very biblical title by Malcolm Gladwell, New York Times bestselling author.  I am not sure as how much our friends read in English but my guess is that they really thought this was a good biblical book to present to a pastor.  As I unwrapped my gift, the thing that caught my attention was not the main title but the subtitle; “Underdogs, Misfits, And The Art Of Battling Giants”.  I was excited to devour it right away.