October 1, 2016

Help is on the way, but you got to hang in there

Until recently, I refrained from sharing the testimony of God’s grace in my life, especially among Nepali speaking world because it includes too many names that inflicted too much pain in my life and without mentioning them, my testimony is not complete.  What makes it more difficult for me to share my testimony is that the most of the sufferings I endured as a Christian were at the hands of missionaries, pastors and Christian friends, primarily because I refused to be a bread and butter Christian.  But now, as I plan to publish an autobiography as how God has led me thus far, I am sharing some of the anecdotes.  But in no way do I feel bitter for what they did to me.  In fact, if it was not for them, I won’t be where I am today.  Frank Boreham tells a true story that illustrates how I feel when I share my stories.