July 1, 2010

He Will Carry You - Jonathan Moore

This is one of those classic songs that would instantly minister to our spirit when we feel bogged down by the problems of this world.  God does care for us!  Sometimes when things get tough in life, it is natural to wonder if God really cares for us? But then, when we stop and look around, we soon realize that if it was not the care of God, we couldn't have made even that far.  So, if you are feeling down today, I want you to look over your shoulder and know that God is watching over you; he cares for you so much that he gave his only begotten son.  There is nothing God would spare to give you and thats why Romans 8:32 says, "he will not withhold any good things from us".  
If you are facing a mountain today, just know that God has the ability to take you over that mountain.  Believe in his goodness for he will surely come to your rescue.  As a loving father, he does not take pleasure in your suffering, Jesus has suffered all for us and he has redeemed us from the curse that kept us in the bondage.  Jesus took upon himself all our infirmities and sickness and by his stripes we are healed.  Jesus because poor for us so that through him we might become rich in every way so that we can become generous in every opportunity.  He bore our shame and sin so that we might not be ashamed and have life.  No, my friend, God does not take delight in your sorrow and pain, he sorrows with you, he suffers with you and soon he will take you out of this suffering and sorrow because he is God and he has already overcome the power of sin and death.
Even if there is no one to give you a shoulder to cry, know that Jesus stands tall beside you in the power of his Spirit.  His love is so deep that we cannot comprehend, he is am amazing and loving father.  So, just as Jesus said, if anyone is heavy and burdened, let him come to me and I will give you rest.  Right now, you can come to him, pour out your heart to him with trust and gratitude and you will be amazed to see how he will be so real to you in times of your troubles and difficulties.  He will never let you be there for too long.  The sooner you come to him the quicker your problems will be solved.


  1. Any combatant worth their grain of salt knows that in order to fight you need to have a weapon that can save your life in the heat of battle!

    While all of man's weapons are designed to hurt, kill, and destroy there is a weapon not of man's design and that is the word of God.

    Hebrews 4:13 states

    Hebrews 4:12 (King James Version)

    12For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

    Interesting that while man's weapons hurt and destroy, God's word can heal and restore.

    A Bullet can pierce through armor and kill upon impact. But what mere weapons can't do is cut through the heart of man to reach his spirit! A double edge sword has a blade that can cut on both sides, meaning it is effective any way you wield it. But imagine having the power to use a weapon that can discern the hearts of man, to reach the soul, that can show who a person really is! The Word of God does that. It allows us to heal and restore whether it be a word of encouragement or a word of exhortation, it profits us all the same.

    There have been times when I wanted to do something I know I wasn't supposed to. I would then read the Bible at some point during the day and BAM! The word would cut my heart like a blade, in a way that would make me think about what I intended to do. It convicted me and made me realize that God indeed wants what is good for us and has a better plan.

    God's word is living and is relevant now more than ever. In our daily struggles we all face and with what we attempt to accomplish, let us not forgot that we have a weapon that is not designed to kill, but to give life. God sees us for who we are, and His word gives us the ability to see ourselves and others in a light that without God we just are not able to see.

    Let us keep fighting fervently. God is faithful and provides us with the light for our path. If you are waiting for something in the Lord. Keep waiting. Don't grow impatient. He will answer you.

    Give us the ability to discern and give a word in someone's time of need! This is my prayer Lord, In Jesus name. Amen!

    God bless to all and keep your chins up from Isaac.

  2. Thanks! Isaac for that beautiful word! May the Lord continue to use you to touch human heart with God's wisdom!
