Many promising ministers
begin their Christian life and career with such a big bang that the ripples emanating
from the noise continue to have effects to the distant shores long after the
center has returned to a standing still.
For some time, they continue to impress people in the ministry with the
claims of supernatural encounters, jaw dropping prophecies, divine healing,
miraculous deliverance, amazing provisions, and spectacular dreams and visions. When they share their testimony, they can
keep their audiences captivated with their artistic ways of testifying (exaggerating)
the work God began in their lives.
For people who began
their life and walk with God quietly as opposed to such a noisy beginning, in
hearing these amazing story tellers, begin to feel as if there is something lacking
in their life. People who never heard audible
voice of God, never really experienced such spectacular miracles where the
blind see, deaf hear and lame walk, never entered the world of dreams and
visions where heavenly realities become so common, and neither did they come
face to face with Jesus Christ in encountering him, they begin to suspect themselves
of lacking something; when they heard the gospel, they were simply griped by
their sinfulness and God’s goodness in forgiving their sins and saving their
souls; never really paid attention to this miraculous side of Christianity. But hearing these firebrand preachers who appear
to have descended from the third heaven, such a noisy Christian life touches
the taste buds of the spiritually hungry; they would also like to hear God’s
audible voice, experience a miracle in one thing or the other, have a dream or
see a vision like these amazing story tellers boast about.
To make things more
complicated for the spiritually hungry, these spectacular preachers promise immediate
solution to all the problems in their life if the hungry would come with their
financial contributions, sit under their preaching, stand in line to be prayed for,
and allow the Holy Spirit to knock them down on the floor as soon as these
super anointed lay hand or blow on them.
In sincere obedience, some offer everything they have, some do fall on
the ground, some roll around, some scream and jump, and others go around doing
everything they had seen others doing in hope of receiving what they think is
lacking in their spiritual life.
At the same time, when
these promising preachers see the spiritually hungry souls fall to the ground as
they lay hands on or blow, they feel gratified for being used by the Holy
Spirit to knock that person down and go on creating the condition in which such
behavior can be imitated by others en mass.
Repetitive singing and music for hours, forceful and inspiring
testimonies and prophetic utterances bring the crowd under such a spell that
whatever happens there happens because the Holy Spirit is moving in and among
the people. This goes on for some time.
Alas! In a matter of few years, such ministers are
no longer in the ministry! Some fall
victim to sexual immorality, some to financial corruption, and others to pride
and all sorts of criminal activities. The
lust of the flesh, the lust of the eye, and the pride of life become much more
appealing to these noisy preachers who began their ministry with the big
bang. Their beginning might have been
genuine, but they failed to take the time to really see how sinful and wicked
the human heart is. In fact, they really
did not even recognize how sinful they were in the first place. The miraculous aspect of the gospel
captivated them so much that the atoning sacrifice of Jesus only made sense for
them to perform some kind of miracles; Jesus became a magician for them instead
of a savior. When they saw seemingly
supernatural phenomena in their ministry, they began to justify their
immorality and unethical behaviors and continue to deceive people. While living in blatant disobedience to the
word of God, they continue to pretend to be spiritually anointed and powerful
until their sin is publicly exposed.
When the news of such
falling away hits to their faithful followers; these people begin to wonder if
the knocking down, rolling around, and jumping up was really the work of the
Holy Spirit after all! Christian life
begins to ebb away from such naïve and deceived bunch of Christians; they
wonder if there is God after all.
These noisy ministers
who disgrace the name of Christ and deceive people also cause the genuine
ministers to be discouraged. A genuine
minister looks at these noisy preachers filled with the lust of the flesh
occupying prominent places in leadership until and even after their sin is
exposed begins to wonder if it is worth serving the Lord faithfully! Suffering for Christ appears to be a stupid
thing to do. Particularly in the context
of developing nations, financial suffering is a given fact for those who would
faithfully serve the Lord. But these
lust filled preachers make such a noise that all the donors from the developed
nations become captivated by their artificial testimonies of God’s work; all
the money is channeled into the bank accounts of these preachers who take
contract for the whole of mission work in that particular nation if not the
whole continent. When these noisy
preachers cannot fool the local people with the claims of supernatural work of
the Holy Spirit, they start controlling them with the power of foreign money
that flows into their accounts. In such
a context, a genuine minister is absolutely isolated and if not silenced
forever by these whoremongers.
In a situation like
this, if you are one of the faithful ministers of the gospel, what should you
do? How can you continue doing what the
Lord has called you to do? Apostle Paul’s
words to Timothy can be a great comfort for those of us who find ourselves sandwiched
between the call of God and the noise of such carnal preachers. In 2 Timothy 1:6-9, 12 Paul says;
For this reason I
remind you to fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you through the
laying on of my hands. 7 For the Spirit God gave us does not make us
timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline. 8 So
do not be ashamed of the testimony about our Lord or of me his prisoner. Rather,
join with me in suffering for the gospel, by the power of God. 9 He
has saved us and called us to a holy life—not because of anything we
have done but because of his own purpose and grace. This grace was given
us in Christ Jesus before the beginning of time. 12 That is why I am suffering as I am.
Yet this is no cause for shame, because I know whom I have believed, and
am convinced that he is able to guard what I have entrusted to him until
that day.”
You need to fan the
flames of God’s calling in your life constantly and ask the Lord to fill you with
the Spirit of power, love and self-discipline.
Don’t be afraid of these carnal preachers who threaten you. Don’t be envious of their material success
because you don’t know how their guilty conscience is tormenting them while
they are here on earth and the matter is so different when they will stand
before the judgment seat of Christ. You
should know and be convinced that this life is but just for a moment; we have
eternity waiting for us and if you lack some material comfort in this fleeting
world, it’s not a big deal. Listen what
Paul says to Timothy, “12 That is why I am suffering as I am. Yet this
is no cause for shame, because I know whom I have believed, and am
convinced that he is able to guard what I have entrusted to him until that
Suffering for Christ
is not a matter of shame but of pride.
All the apostles died for the gospel and when they were persecuted, they
were grateful that God counted them worthy to suffer for him. Therefore, friends; suffering for the gospel
is a matter of dignity and pride before the Lord! Paul tells us that God is able to keep that
which we have committed to him for that day.
There is a day in which we shall stand before the Lord who will look
into our eyes to see if we have been faithful.
When he finds us faithful, he will say “well done thou good and faithful
servant, you were faithful in little, come now and inherit…”!
For such an
inheritance, we need to fan the flame of our calling and not let it diminish in
anyway. We need to have the spirit of discipline
so that we will not fall victim to the lust of the flesh, lust of the eye and
the pride of life. We need to see how
sinful and wicked our heart is and fall on our faces before the Cross of Christ
in grateful attitude for saving sinners like us. We need to preach the gospel first and always
to ourselves before we dare to take it to others and the flames of our calling
will begin to catch the fire of the Holy Spirit in such a way that we become
the witnesses of resurrected Christ in the face of all hardships and
sufferings. Even when no one notices us
here on earth, the life and the ministry lived and done in the shadow of the
Cross of Christ will shine in God’s glory for all eternity.
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