November 28, 2018

When streets full of garbage appear normal to the eye

20 years ago, I moved to South Korea and from then on, much of my time was spent there.  I owe my education and my son’s education to Korea.  I owe my extended international ministry experience to Korea.  In fact, the most productive decades of my life were spent there.  Life had begun to tempt me to settle for good.  But God’s call to preach the gospel in South Asia never gave me rest in that beautiful and peaceful nation.
It is now three years since we said goodbye to Korea.  From such a clean, comfortable and safe environment, suddenly we found ourselves struggling to navigate through the dirt, dust, danger and difficulty of life in Nepal and India.  Such a reverse culture-shock was not what we had expected.

However, the reverse culture-shock is not my point in this article.  Rather, it is the realization that in these three short years, we have become accustomed to our environment.  Stinking piles of garbage in streets do not look strange.  Swarms of flies covering meat shops, unhygienic food stalls, unorganized traffic, crossing the road from wherever we want, power outage for days, and things like these have become normal parts of our life; they don’t appear any stranger.  Even the wish for improving them is slowly disappearing.  How soon, our mind has made peace with our surroundings!  Indeed, man can become prisoner of his environment.  

Human mind is a remarkable thing.  It is so powerful; it can think the unthinkable and imagine the impossible.  But at the same time, it is so weak; it can be forced to accept black as white and white as black, it can become devoid of independent thinking.  In societies where traditions and tyrannies reign, free thinking becomes a crime and soon people begin to follow their traditions without giving a second thought.  The proverbial frog in the pan cannot imagine a jump giving it a better chance at life.

Prior to the declaration of independence, many Americans were debating the idea of independence from or reconciliation with the UK.  There seemed to be some support for reconciliation.  But for free thinkers like Thomas Paine, the idea of subjugating oneself to a foreign power was absurd, stupidity and out of common sense.  On 14th of February 1776, he published a pamphlet titled “Common Sense” in which he gave a passionate and well-reasoned plea for independence.  Knowing fully well how old habits die hard, in the very beginning of that pamphlet he stated his apprehensions saying; “a long habit of not thinking a thing wrong, gives it a superficial appearance of being right, and raises at first a formidable outcry in defense of custom.  But tumult soon subsides.  Time makes more converts than reason.”

Paine imagined a country like no other on earth and urged his American compatriots to go for independence and on July 4th the same year, his dreams were realized.  Fortunately, Paine did not have to wait for a long time for time to make converts; there were enough Americans with reason to see the reasonableness of a nation that he imagined.
People against the idea of independence, he called them; men of corrupt intent who cannot be trusted, weak men who cannot see, prejudiced men who will not see, and moderate men who cannot challenge the traditional way of thinking that says “European world is better.”  In other words, these men could not imagine something better than what they had at hand.

Paine admitted the America of his time was way behind Europe but he also predicted that in a short span of time, an independent America can   become the most powerful and prosperous nation on earth.  In less than a century of her independence, America proved him right.

With their immense potentials to become advanced societies, India and Nepal are bound to remain prisoners of traditions and invisible tyrannies ruling these nations for thousands of years if there are no men like Paine.  In the name of traditions, free thinkers are shunned and persecuted.  Superstitions are never questioned.  Rulers and politicians enrich themselves.  Public is given a heavy dose of religion so that the rulers can exploit them.
Thus, an average Nepalese or Indian cannot imagine of living in a society where free thinking is respected; where streets are clean, amenities are accessible, government works for the people, paperwork can be done without bribing, and where police protect the public.  Rather in societies like ours, deterioration is normal, development is abnormal. 

Human mind is remarkable; it can adapt to live in any place and condition.  It can become violently resistant to change, even reason becomes impotent.  Thus, when Paine said “time makes better converts than reason”, could he be possibly talking about our societies in South Asia?  The American, European, Chinese, and even African societies have demonstrated their capacity to accept change for the better.  Indian subcontinent on the other hand has resisted change for a very long time that now even the wrong can be right and right can be wrong in the name of traditions and customs.    

November 22, 2018

परदेशीनुको पिडा

गीतकार शेर बिष्टको रचना परदेशीको पिडामा आधारित ठाडि भाकाले मेरो मन छोयो।  जन्म सुदुर-पश्चिमको डोटी जिल्लामा भयो।  बाल्यकाल निकै दु:खदायी भएको कारण सानै उमेरमा मैले मेरो जन्म थलो छोड्ने निर्णय गरेँ र आज सम्म परदेशी कै रुपमा जीवन बिताई रहेको छुँ।  त्यसकारण म परदेशीनुमा देशसँग मेरो कुनै गुनासो छैन।  तर मुटुमा ढुङ्गा राखेर विदेशी भुमिमा दु:ख गरिरहेका लाखौं नेपाली मित्रका भावनालाई यो गितले समेटेको छ।  उहाँहरूको दु:ख देख्दा मेरो पनि मन रुन्छ।
आशा छ मेरा पाठक मित्रले डोटेली भाषाको पनि यो गीतबाट स्वाद पाउनुहुनेछ।

लाग्या की जून होइजाउ पूर्णिमा की रात होइजाउ
नदुख्न्या मन होइजाउ साथ दिन्या करम होइजाउ
कै कि खोजि जान्छै रनबन डुलन्या चरी
किन दु:ख दिन्छै गरीबलाई पापी दैब
जन लागोस् बाग बाखरी चराउने बन
परदेशीन्या भाग कर्ममा लेखेको रैछ
बाज जान्या बेला डाँडी न्याउलो बासी जालो
खाना खान्या बेला गह भरी आँसु आउना
मन भरीका व्यथा आँखा भरी आँसु हुना
सुखारीलाई केथा दुखारीको दुखी कर्म
साइका काला केश हर घडि झलझली आउना
बाज रन्या देश उडी आउन्या मन लागन्छ
भगवान बुझलो दुखारीको दुखी कर्म
बाइरी मन उजालो भित्रि मन दुखेको देख्यै
कसो मन हुन्छ बिगत सम्झि फर्के पछि
आँखा आँसु चुन्छ बाजलाई सम्झेका बेला
बाइरी मन उज्यालो भित्रि मन दुखेको दुख्यै
आँखा आँसु चुन्छ बाजलाई सम्झेका बेला

परिवारसँग बसेर आफ्नै देशमा जीवन यापन गर्न नपाउनु जस्तो पिडा सायद अर्को छैन होला।  हो, आज विश्वव्यापीकरणले मानिसलाई एक ठाउँबाट अर्को ठाउँमा जान, काम गर्न र बस्न सजिलो बनाइदिएको छ।  तर त्यो रहरले गर्नु र करले गर्नुमा धेरै फरक छ।  यदि आफ्नै देशमा रोजगार मिल्थ्यो भने लाखौं नेपाली मित्रहरू पक्कै पनि विदेशीने थिएनन्।

अर्काको देशमा अर्काकै देश विकासको लागि पसिना बगाउनु एउटा पिडा छ भने यता घरमा पारिवारक पिडा अर्कै छ।  आमा-बाबु, श्रीमान-श्रीमती, छोरा-छोरी, आफन्त र सङ्गी-साथीहरूबाट रहरले नभएर करले बिछोडिनु परेको छ।  यो बिछोडले हाम्रो मानसिक र भावनात्मक जीवनमा धेरै ठूलो असर गरिरहेको छ जसको कारण हाम्रा परिवारहरू टुक्रिरहेका छन्।  छोराछोरीहरू बाटो बिराई रहेका छन्।  रहरलाग्दो जवानीलाई एक अर्काको पर्खाइमा श्रीमान श्रीमतीहरू खेर फालिरहेका छन।

बाइबलीय द ृष्टिकोणबाट हेर्दा पनि प्रवासमा जानुलाई एउटा हारेको जीवनसँग दाँजिएको छ।  हुनत यहूदी जातिलाई परमेश्वरले आफ्नो योजनाको लागि छान्नुभयो तर संसारमा सबै भन्दा बढी प्रवासमा जीवन विताउनेहरूमा तिनीहरू नै पर्दछन्। ई‍‌. पू. १५००तिर इज्राएल देशको स्थापना भयो।  तर ई. पू. ७२२बाट आज सम्म यिनीहरू संसारका कुनै न कुनै देशमा प्रवासी भएर बसीरहेका छन्।  झण्डै दुई हजार वर्ष सम्म यिनीहरूको देश नै थिएन।  सन् १९४८मा आजको आधुनिक इज्राएल देशको स्थापना भए पछि संसारका कुना काप्चाबाट यहूदीहरू इज्राएल फर्किरहेका छन्।

यहूदीहरू यसरी प्रवासीनुको कारण यिनीहरूको देश चलाउने राजा र प्रशासकहरूकै दुष्टता थियो।  जनताहरू त निर्दोष थिए तर देश चलाउनेहरू नै दुष्ट भएपछि त्यसको दण्ड सम्पूर्ण मानिसमा पर्‍यो।  आज नेपाल जस्तो विकासका सम्भावनाले भरिएको र विश्वकै सुन्दर देशका जनताहरू प्रवासीनुमा पनि देशका राजा र नेताहरूकै दुष्टताको कारण हो भन्दा फरक पर्दैन।  जब घरमुली दुष्ट हुन्छ तब परिवारले दु:ख पाउँछ।  शाहावंसीय राजाहरूले मुलबासीहरूलाई दु:ख दिए र लाखौं निर्दोषीको रगत बगाए।  राणाहरूले पनि नेपालीको पसिना र रगतमा मोज गरे।  पञ्चायतकालमा फेरी त्यो दु:ख स्वतन्त्रताका योद्दाहरूमा पर्‍यो।  माओको नाममा हजारौं नेपालीको रगत बगाएर नेताहरू गद्दीमा पुगे।  यो ऐतिहाँसिक दुष्टताको असर आज निर्दोष नेपालीले भोगिरहनु परेको छ।

ई.पू. ६००तिर इज्राएलीहरूलाई जब बाबिलोनको प्रवासमा लगियो, त्यतिबेलाका उनीहरूका गीतहरूले पनि आज नेपालका यी दु:खी भाकाहरूसँग मेल खाएको देखिन्छ।  ती मध्य एउटा गीतलाई बाइबलको पुस्तक भजनसंग्रहको १३७ खण्डमा यसरी उल्लेख गरिएको छ;

“1बेबिलोनका नदीहरूका किनारमा बसेर, सियोनको स्मरण गर्दा हामी रोयौं।
2 त्यहाँका बैँसका रूखहरूमा हामीले आफ्‍ना वीणाहरू झुण्‍ड्यायौं।
3किनकि हामीलाई कैद गरेर लानेहरूले त्यहाँ हामीलाई गीत गाउन लाए,
र हामीलाई सास्ती दिनेहरूले हामीबाट आनन्‍दका गीतको माग गरे।
तिनीहरूले भने, “हाम्रा निम्ति सियोनका गीतमध्‍ये एउटा गीत गाओ।”
4बिरानो देशमा परमप्रभुका गीत हामी कसरी गाउन सक्‍छौं?
5हे यरूशलेम, मैले तँलाई बिर्सेको भए, मेरो दाहिने हातले आफ्‍नो सीप भुलोस्‌।
6मैले तँलाई नसम्‍झेको भए, यदि मैले यरूशलेमलाई मेरो सर्वश्रेष्‍ठ आनन्‍द नठानेको भए, मेरो जिब्रो तालुमा टाँसिजाओस्‌।”

आफ्नो देश सबैलाई प्यारो लाग्छ। तर दुष्ट शासकहरूको कारण यो सुखबाट हामी विमुख हुनुपरेको छ।  आशा गरौं एक दिन हाम्रो देशमा पनि असल शासक र शासन प्रणाली आउनेछ र इज्राएली जस्तै हामीहरू पनि संसारका बिभिन्न स्थानबाट स्वदेश फर्कन सक्नेछौं।

गीतको भिडियो को लागि यहाँ थिच्नुहोस् -

November 5, 2018

First copies of my book

My book was still in the press. We were preparing for its launch in a few days in Kathmandu. Sister Khem Kumari Garbuja from UK asked if we could make it available earlier than expected because a brother was leaving for UK. It so happened, the press delivered on time. We sent our very first copies to her before the formal launch. How glad I am to see the church family rejoicing for it!

I come from one of the most remote districts in Nepal. I remember myself wondering about the possible world on the other side of those mountains. I was sixteen when I first got in a bus to explore the world outside. It was a terrifying experience as if the bus was making a literal descent. The rest is history.

35 years ago, in divine providence, I had known something about Jesus Christ through a book while living in my world behind those mountains. But did not know who he really was. I inquired in the village, but no one knew about him. I thought to myself, "what a great loss for humanity to not to know such an amazing person." Desire to make him known began to grow in my heart right there in those hamlets along the banks of a huge mountain river.

By the time I was 19, I had entered into full time pastoral ministry. However, I wanted to reach out to more people so that I could tell them about the Lord Jesus Christ I came to know behind those mountains.

Sadly I also found out, many Christian ministers don't simply want to preach the gospel; they want to make profit out of it. So, I chose a lonely path in Nepal. It was a difficult decision. I did not face opposition from Hindu friends, but many Christian pastors and missionaries haunted me down in every turn.

Then came the world of Internet. I began to blog about my faith in Jesus Christ and the need to preach the gospel and not sell it. Then came the world of social media and soon, my voice found a platform which many pastors and missionaries in Nepal had tried to shut.

From 2006, my audio and video messages went across the world where many Nepalese diaspora are living and working. Within Nepal, my voice began to fall in the ears of many believers even though some pastors warned their believers not to listen.

It was in this context that I felt to put my life in a book so that the precious friends who hear my voice would also know the kind of man behind that voice. Of course this book is not so much about my life but what Christ has done in my life. This is also a book for non-Christian friends to try and see who this Jesus really is.

After 35 years, my desire to make Jesus known to many Nepalese friends has come true. Now, I am working on to make this book into English for a wider audience. Please keep me in your prayers so that this desire to make Christ known would continue to grow and I would keep finding new ways to do so.

I thank God for friends like you who pray for me! I give you my word; I keep you all in my prayers. Some of you I know by name, some by face and others only in the spirit. But we are a family, a large family and there will come a time when we shall know face to face.

Until that day comes, let us surrender our lives to the Lord Jesus Christ and continue to share the gospel to those who would listen.