September 23, 2022

Can You Really Be Happy In Life?

Life is uncertain. I think I have lived enough to know that life is uncertain and happiness can vanish at any moment leaving behind a long wake of tragedy. I have seen my life go through the ups and the downs of uncertainty and unhappiness on a regular basis; in fact, quite frequently until I met a certain person.

July 26, 2022

Lonely in Marriage or Loving?

We may have shed a tear or two for Robinson Crusoe says F. W. Boreham in The Luggage of Life (23), but in actuality we all are in our own isolated islands separated by the oceans of secrets; essentially, every soul lives and dies alone.

Savages, according to Boreham, lived happy and connected life as they had very little to hide, but the modern man is surrounded with secretes.
The rich want to hide their wealth, the poor their poverty. The wise want to hide their wisdom, the fool their folly. We all have something we rather not allow others to know about.

July 22, 2022

सुखी विवाहको लागि चाहिने तिन कुराहरू।

सफल वैवाहिक सम्बन्धले जीवनका सबै पक्षहरूलाई उज्यालो बनाउँछ। सफल विवाहमा शारीरिक, भावनात्मक र मानसिक आवस्यकताहरू अर्थपूर्ण तरिकाले पूरा भएका हुन्छन्। फलस्वरूप श्रीमान-श्रीमतीमा आत्मसम्मान उच्च हुनुका साथै छोरा-छोरीहरूमा जीवनप्रति सकारात्मक दृष्टिकोणको सृजना हुन्छ। सन्तुष्टिले भरिएका श्रीमान-श्रीमती र सपना र उद्देस्यले भरिएका छोरा-छोरीहरूले मानव समाजलाई प्रगति र उन्नतिको मार्गमा अगाडि बढाइरहेका हुन्छन्। सफल परिवार नै शसक्त समाज र देशको मेरूदण्ड हो भन्ने तथ्यलाई यसले प्रमाणित गरेको हुन्छ। त्यसकारण यदि कसैको विवाह सुखद र शान्तिपूर्ण छ भने उसले आफूलाई जीवनमा सफल भएको ठान्नु स्वभाविक हो कारण सुखी या दु:खी जीवनको लागि विवाहले धेरै ठूलो भूमिका खेलेको हुन्छ।

June 4, 2022

कति छिटै बुढेसकाल लागेछ!

बीस पच्चिस वर्षको जवान अवस्थामा जीवन लामो छ जस्तो लाग्छ। भविस्य आफ्नै वशमा रहेको भान हुन्छ र आफू भन्दा बीस-तीस वर्ष पाका मानिसलाई हेर्दा लाग्छ कि म त्यो उमेरमा पुग्दा त मैले के के नै गरिसकेको हुन्छु होला! हो पनि। समय, परिस्थिति र स्वास्थ्यले साथ दिएको खण्डमा बीस पच्चिस वर्षको अन्तरालमा भौतिक सफलताका धेरै तलाहरू चढीसकेका हुनसक्छौं। नेपला जस्तो गरीबदेशबाट विदेश जाने सपना भएकाहरू विश्वका विकसित देशका नागरिक बन्न सकेकोमा गर्व गरिरहेका हुनसक्छन्। शिक्षाका भोकाहरूले विद्वानको बिल्ला भिरेका हुनसक्छन्। धनका भोकाहरूले पुगीसरी कमाएका हुनसक्छन्। शक्तिका भोकाहरूले सत्ता हात पारेका हुनसक्छन्। ख्यातिका भोकाहरूले नाम कमाएका हुनसक्छन्। प्रेमका भोकाहरूले दाम्पत्य जीवन बसालेका हुनसक्छन्। सबै सपनाहरू साकार भएका हुनसक्छन्। आदि इत्यादि।

Is there a biblical solution to material poverty?

Everywhere I look, I see the horrifying effects of poverty. A child working at a construction site carrying bricks and sand. An old man pulling a three wheeler rickshaw with two overweight women sitting behind. A sick mother pulling herself to work in someone’s field because if she doesn’t, her children will have to sleep without food. A young man’s dream is shattered because he has to give up his studies in order to look after his ailing parents. A young girl is sold by the parents to a rich old man so that they can continue to live under his favor. List can go on…
Poverty takes away human dignity. Life becomes a meaningless struggle.
What kind of message can I preach to the poor? What does the gospel offer to them?

May 13, 2022

God’s promises of blessing for a believer!

(New Revised Standard Version – Updated Edition) 

As you begin to pray, let your prayer spring from the subconscious mind that is filled with these promises. Let there be no shadow of doubt in your conscious mind about the goodness of God. God delights to bless you. But are you willing to put your trust in his promises? From Genesis to Revelation, we see God’s desire to bless man and be with him.